The Elevate package

Creative Development Service. Here we work together to grow your product offering and elevate your business.

Don’t know where to go next?

You are successful business owner who already has a well-established range of products. Sales are good and you have dedicated following of loyal customers. You know what works, what your customers react to and what will give you those great sales but you are bored and unfulfilled.

Busy prepping for trade shows and keeping up with the daily sales you are unable to dedicate the time to developing a new product that could elevate your brand into a different category and re-ignite your passion for your business.

The ideas keep coming and you think one day you will have the time to bring them to life. Except you don’t. The days get taken up with business admin and trade show preparation and the ideas just get squirreled away for another day. Or worse, you develop them so quickly they don’t turn out as you planned. Then frustration hits hard.

If only you had more hours in the day to dedicate to new products. It turns out you don’t need extra hours. You just need me.

I have designed for many retailers over my career. The one thing that would help me to design quickly and efficiently was keeping up to date with retail and up and coming trends. Something that can be quite hard to do when you have your own business and time is short. Through workshops and calls I understand your brand, your customer, up and coming trends and how they are relevant to your business. I help you to take a step back from your business to help develop new and exciting product opportunities which could take your brand in a new and exciting direction.




An initial call, customer analysis, creative moodboarding session and more. Learn more about the Create package here.

Trend Forecasting DOCUMENT

With trends relevant to your business 12-18 months in advance of the season.


Showcasing what UK retail looks like in your current field. This helps to identify new product areas that you could move into.


Follow up meeting

Where I present new and exciting product opportunities. This gives you the ability to feed into the development process from an early stage

Design Presentation

Finally, a design presentation of 10-15 exciting design ideas that you could directly take to your manufacturer.

Optional extras…

Could also include inspiration day in London where we brainstorm ideas, spot trends and get inspired!